Mindfulness Lessons

Both Myddelton College and Myddelton Prep School have begun delivering Mindfulness lessons to pupils from Year 5 right through to the sixth form. The senior school are receiving the ‘.b’ curriculum and the Prep school receive the ‘Paws.b’ curriculum.

Miss Gresley-Jones, from the Prep School and Ms Davies, from the senior school, have been trained by the Mindfulness in Schools Project.

It is a special time in the week where they can focus on being present. Last month, pupils made their own stress balls to take home. I am very interested in the impact of mindfulness on pupils in Key Stage Two and I am currently completing a research project on the benefits of the MiSP Paws b curriculum as part of a MA.

Katie Gresley-Jones, Prep School teacher

In addition, Myddelton College have opened a ‘Calm Café’ activity on a Thursday evening, where pupils from Year 5 to sixth form can come to enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit, take part in mindful crafts and activities and participate in guided mindful practice. It is a special time in the week where they can focus on being present.

The Paws .b curriculum is very child-friendly and the pupils absolutely love it. They look forward to their lessons each week when they are allowed to wear their slippers! It is a special time in their busy schedule where they are able to just ‘be’ and enjoy the present moment. The .b curriculum which is taught to the older pupils gives them lots of practices that they can take with them and use both now and in the future. By doing this we hope to enable our pupils to experience greater well-being, fulfil their potential, improve concentration and focus in their learning and on the sports field, work with difficult mental states and cope with the everyday stresses of life.

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