Acting Headmistress: Mrs Lucy Davies, MA, BA, PGCE, PGCDL, NPQH
Deputy Head Teaching and Learning, Head of Sixth Form, Head of Year 13: Mr Alun Brown, BA, MA, PGCE
Deputy Head Pastoral and Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mike Pearson, BSc, PGCE
Head of Prep School, ALNCo: Katie Gresley-Jones, BA, PGCE, PGDip, CCET (currently on maternity leave)
Head of Boarding: Andrew Thomas Eddy, BA Hons, PGCE
Assistant Headteacher (Education Operations): Richard Corner, MSc, PhD: Science
Alan Biles-Liddell, MA, PGCE: Head of English
Lesley Corner, BSc, PGCE: Head of Science and Biology, Head of Mathematics
Eloise Davies, BA, PGCE: English
Andrew Dixon, BSc: Mathematics, Head of Year 9
Amy McCormick, BSc, PGCE: Computer Science
Catherine Halford, MA, PGCE: English
Olivia Harrison, BA, PGCE: Business Studies, Head of Year 7
John Hamilton, Teacher of Business and Economics
Miles Herridge, BSc, QTS: Physics
Paul Hunt, BSc: Mathematics
Jane Hull, BA, PGCE: Art
Luke Rowlands, Teacher of PE, BSc, PGCE
Sarah Klabou, BSc, PGCE: Maths
Shaun Ledbetter, BSc, PGCE: Chemistry, Head of Year 8
Jacob Marriner, BA: Outdoor Adventure Leader
Jennifer McAvoy, BA, PGCE: Preparatory School Teacher
Pierangelo Montanaro, BA, PGCE, TEFL Cert: Spanish, Head of Year 10
Bronya Morgan, BA, PGCE: History and Humanities, Head of Year 12
Natasha Williams, BSc, PGCE: Humanities, Geography, Head of Year 11
Mark Rogerson, BA, TEFL Cert, PGCE, NPQML: English
Joanne Orchard, BA, PGCE: Head of Humanities
Sara Cotterill, Teacher of Science/Technician, BSC, STACS (Senior Technician)
Cliff Phillips, BSc, PGCE: Mathematics
Georgia Sass, BA PGCE Preparatory School Teacher
Sam Stevens, BSc, PGCE: Outdoor and Adventure Leader
Katie Clay , Prep Outdoor and Adventure Teacher
Abigail Walker-Mills, BSc, MRes: Psychology
Richard Walsh, BMus, PGCE, Dip LCM: Director of Music, St George’s Houseparent
Daniel Webb BSc, MSc, PGCE: Head of Outdoor and Adventure Education
Amelia Cobley, BA, PGCE: Preparatory School Teacher
Chloe Edwards, BA, PGCE: Preparatory School Teacher
Helen Brown, BA, PGCE: Art Teacher
Daniel Cattell, BA: Teacher of Music Technology
Sgt Major Graham Evans, VR: CCF SSI
Matthew Jones: Teaching Assistant and Sports Assistant
Debra Pearce: Teaching Assistant
Kerry Evans – Boarding Assistant
Thomas James Simpson, BA – Librarian and cover teacher
Joanne Cowell – Minibus Driver
Sue Downes: Finance Assistant
Nikki Evans: College Secretary and Headteacher’s PA
Carly Gilmour, BA: Head of Admissions
Ian Chan, BMus, MA, LRAM, LTCL : Howells Housemaster
Hannah James, BSc, MRICS: Estates Surveyor
Helen Roberts: Receptionist
Matthew Gosling: School Minibus Driver/Estates
Sandra Rae Jones – Domestic Support
Tracey Hobson: Domestic support
Clare Ponton: Domestic support
Rhian Williams: Domestic support
Iona Williams: Domestic support
Andrea Towler : Catering support
Angeline Ellis : Catering support
Susan Evans: Catering Assistant Manager
Dan Halls: Catering Support
Sam Jones: Catering Manager
Wendy Jones: Catering support
Vanessa Moore: Catering support
David Lloyd Jones: Minibus driver
Phil Jones: Minibus driver
John Priest: Operations and Transport Manager
Neil Roberts: Estates
Duncan Hughes: Estates
Mark Thomas: Minibus driver and Estates support
Christopher Hull: Minibus Driver
Jonathan White: Estates
Football Academy: Matt Sampson – (Year 7-13)
Tennis Academy: John Whitehall, LTA Level 5 ‘Master’ Coach: Tennis Coach
Basketball Academy: Stephen Welsh
Equestrian: Donna Glossop
Aled Williams – Brass
Alfred Barker – Violin
Ben Neal – Percussion
Dylan Cernyw – Harp
Matt West – Guitar
Rachael Evans – Piano
Sioned Terry – Voice
Matt Deacon – Saxophone
Sian Meirion – Cello
Mari Gaskell – Voice
Janet Cook – 1:1 Specialist Dyslexia Teacher
Sally Jones – Counsellor
Tracy Spencer-Jones – Drama
Andrew Parry – Welsh Teacher